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Carers Act 2010

You can find any info/  law and changes / proposals from the government about care and any changes here. The recent care changes introduced by the government recently is the THE NEW CARERS ACT 2010 which places a series of new duties and responsibilities on local authorities to improve people’s independence and wellbeing.

General responsibilities of local authorities mean that Under the New Care Act, local authorities have new functions. This is to make sure that people who live in their areas receive information, prevention services and improve the range of services available.


Receive services that prevent their care needs from becoming more serious, or delay the impact of their needs. The act makes it clear that local authorities must provide or arrange services that help prevent people developing needs for care and support or delay people deteriorating such that they would need ongoing care and support.

Information & Advice

Can get the information and advice they need to make good decisions about care and support) Local authorities must provide comprehensive information and advice about individuals care and support services available in their community. This is aimed to help people to understand how their care and support services available work locally, the care and funding options available, and how individuals can access care and support services.

This means that the local authority must identify what services, facilities and resources are already available in the area (such as local voluntary and community groups), and how these might help local people.

They must be identifying people in the local area who might have care and support needs that are not being met and implement the standards set out in the new care act.

They must also be identifying carers in the area who might have support needs that are not being met Ans seek to support them. (carer assessment)

The Act clearly sets out that they must provide information on:

  • Types of care and support are available including specialised dementia care, befriending services,
  • Reablement, personal assistance, residential care etc.
  • They must provide a range of care and support services available to individuals as to what services are provided by local providers.
  • What process are available for local people to get care and support they need they must provide information about where local people can find independent financial advice about care and support and help them to access it
  • how individuals can raise concerns about the safety or wellbeing of someone who has care and support needs
  • shaping the market of care and support services. (have a range of provision of high quality, appropriate services to choose from)

Assistance in the Development of Market

The Care Act requires local authorities to assist in the development of a market that delivers a wide range of sustainable high-quality care and support services, that will be available to their communities.

Local authorities must also consider how they might affect an individual’s wellbeing when buying and arranging services. This is important as it makes it clear that local authorities should think about whether their approaches to buying and arranging services support and promote the wellbeing of individuals receiving such services. This will give people more control and help them to make more effective and personalised choices over their care. The aim is to provide them with better care that works for them



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